East Midlands
Project Type
Architecture and Interior Planning
385 sqm
The Countryside Hotel is a thirteen-bedroom single storey super insulated timber building located within a linear site within Nottinghamshire.
The accommodation building incorporates a dedicated area to service the guest accommodation, store the laundry and linen, racking for cleaning products and room consumables, cleaning trollies, spare beds/mattresses, and guest luggage etc.
A seamless parapet creates the desired simple asymmetric form, whilst allowing for a flat grass sedum roof, offering important biodiversity benefits, and minimising the extent of impermeable areas from a sustainable drainage standpoint.
The material of choice is narrow-gauge, smooth-machined timber which will remain untreated to arrive at a silver/grey patina to present a soft, organic aesthetic.
Room entrances are recessed and positioned beneath a covered canopy with punctured openings allowing light for planting beneath. The hotels approach will consist of prairie landscaping to provide an attractive welcome for guests.
Design Haus Architecture
5 Portland Road
West Bridgford
Nottingham NG2 6DN
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